St Francis West Wickham



All that we have and all that we are comes from the goodness and love of God.  St Francis invites all those who regularly worship with us to consider how they can respond to God's generosity and contribute to the ministry of the church.  This past year has been difficult for us all, in so many ways. Our mission and ministry have never felt more needed, and even when the church doors have been closed, our community has been actively working to support those in need. Over the past year we have been able to hold services online, open the building for private prayer as restrictions allowed, support the local foodbank, and support those who are ill or grieving.


Everything that happens through St Francis is only possible because of your generosity; our Sunday services, Bereavement support group, Monthly lunches, and much more.  Please consider how you can support our mission and ministry by giving financially. Thank you for your generosity, every gift makes a difference.



How should I Give?

Give regularly

If you would like to make a regular donation to St Francis, please sign up to the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS).  PGS is a free Direct Debit scheme, enabling you to give safely and securely. We receive 100% of your donation plus Gift Aid is automatically claimed for us, which means reduced administration and less work for our Treasurer and Gift Aid Secretary, Bob West. 

To find out more about PGS, please read our donor leaflet or speak to our Treasurer, David Wada.  You can also watch this video to see how PGS works.  


Signing up to PGS

Our details required for signing up are as follows:

PGS name - West Wickham, St Francis of Assisi

PGS code - 370637375

Online - To join via the PGS website, click here 

Telephone - Call 0333 002 1271 lines are open Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm and this process normally takes about 10 minutes. You will need your personal bank account details, and our PGS details.

Post - complete and post this gift form

When you sign up, please do opt into Gift Aid if you are a UK taxpayer. Please choose to inflation-link your giving which will make a huge difference to our church’s finances.


Give a one-off gift

If you would like to make a one-off gift to St. Francis, please do so via our online donations page with Give a Little DONATE HERE

If you would like to make a one-off donation via bank transfer, please contact our Treasurer, David Wada, via email.


Give to the next generation

Leaving a gift in your will enables you to give to the next generation at St Francis. If you are considering making a bequest to us or would like to speak to someone about legacy giving, please contact David Wada email.

Page last updated: Saturday 24th April 2021 11:20 AM
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