Prayer Ministry at St Francis
In 1 Thessalonians 5:17 St Paul advises us to pray without ceasing . Prayer is vital in both good times and bad, as it is our way of communicating with God. Many people appreciate the support of prayer from others when they are sick or in a difficult situation. At St Francis this support is offered in a number of ways.
Prayer requests to be read out at services.
Names of individuals who have requested personal prayer, and who have given permission to be read at services, are included as part of the intercessions at Holy Communion services at St Francis and St Mary’s. Names remain on this list for 4 weeks if there is no update on the individual, but this time can be extended. Some individuals may also request prayer support from the Prayer Support Chain.
Prayer Support Chain
Members of the St Francis' and St Mary's Prayer Support Chain will pray in private for those who have requested such support. Requests can be passed to anyone on the prayer chain who then passes the message on to other members of the group with information kept confidentially. It helps to have some background to the situation, but this is not necessary and the request may come direct or can be made on behalf of someone else. Prayer Support is offered for as long as is needed. This is a confidential ministry even if the person’s name is in the Intercession Book as well. If you think that this minstry is something you would like to be part of at St Francis, please speak to Hazel or Rowena. For details of the prayer chain click here
Prayer after a service
Members of the Ministry Team (Hazel, Richard, Ken, Rowena and Lesley) are always available to pray with someone after a service.
Healing Services
At the end of the Service, members of the congregation are offered further prayer, giving an opportunity to talk in greater depth before receiving further ministry.
Wednesday Morning Quiet Hour – the Church is usually open between 10.30am and 11.30am. This provides a Quiet Space for anyone who wishes to pray, meditate or just to use the space for a time of quiet.
Pastoral Care at Home
The Pastoral Care Team are available to visit anyone at home or in hospital and to pray with them. Home Communion is also available and Hazel or Richard can give anointing with oil for those who are sick and housebound. Rowena Griffiths acts as a coordinator for this group.
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Page last updated: Tuesday 14th November 2023 7:09 PM