Vicar - St Mary's/St Francis is in interregnum (parish in vacancy)
Assistant Priest - Richard Ford (020 8289 2432) & Carole Coslette (020 7939 9456)
Licensed Reader - Debbie Adams (020 8777 7834)
Churchwarden - Valerie Hamilton (07902 114607)
Churchwarden - Kate Dyer (
PCC Secretary - Nicky Nightingale (020 8916 9855)
Parish Treasurer - David Wada (020 8777 6355)
Southwark Pastoral Auxilliary and Pastoral Care Team Co-ordinator - Rowena Griffiths (020 8777 6112)
Electoral Roll Officer - Rowena Griffiths (020 8777 6112)
Southwark Pastoral Auxilliary - Lesley East (020 8289 1483)
Parish Safeguarding Officer - Kim Teare (
Director of Music - Geoff Mussard (020 8650 8389)
Sunday Readings Rota - Joan Burford (020 8777 2034)
Sunday Notices Sheet - Elizabeth Bligh (020 8777 2009)
Parish Magazine Contents - currently vacant
Parish Magazine Distribution - Nicky Nightingale (0208 916 9855)
Church Hall Bookings - Liz Raper (020 8777 2745)
Christian Aid Coordinator - Anita Curtis (020 8777 5973)
Men's Group - currently vacant
Church Library - Sarah Coverdale (020 8777 0130)
Church Flowers - Nicky Nightingale (0208 916 9855 ) or Joan Burford (020 8777 2034)
Website Content - Bo Povlsen (020 8777 1437)
Reading Group - currently vacant
Matchbox Theatre - Mike Downing (020 8776 2732)
Action Aid Coffee Morning - Barbara Goodchild (020 8777 8782)
Home Groups:
Monday evenings – contact Richard Ford on 020 8289 2432
Wednesday evenings – contact Nicky Nightingale on 0208 916 9855
Friday mornings – contact Ken Bryan on 020 8777 1850
Bible Reading Fellowship - Lesley East (020 8289 1483)