The singing at services at St Francis is led by a small choir. The main Sunday service is normally a Communion service at 10am or 10.45am (see calendar on this website) except in the second week of most months when we have a non-Eucharistic ‘Worship for All Ages’ service.
Choir practices are held, during school terms only. The choir leads the hymn singing and service settings in routine and special services. They also learn a wide range of traditional and more modern anthems which are prepared for special occasions and used about once a month at regular Sunday services. The choir joins with St Mary's choir in the monthly combined services and with near neighbours Emmanuel Church for many special occasions.
The choir, which is affiliated to the Royal School of Church Music, will be pleased to hear of new potential members, who should contact the Organist and Choir Director, Geoff Mussard, at or 020 8650 8389. Choir members are expected to attend most regular sung services including those for special occasions around Christmas, Easter and Ascension.
The choir urgently needs new recruits, especially for sopranos and altos, but also altos and tenors. The are no preconditions for membership of the choir; the only requirements are an enjoyment of singing and a commitment to attend most Thursday evening rehearsals. If anyone enjoys singing they are welcome. It is not necessary even to be able to read music to join..