Communion for Palm Sunday
Preacher - Debbie Adams
Funeral of Cynthia Symes
From St Mary's
Passion Sunday 3rd April from St Francis
Includes reading of The Passion
Morning Praise for Mothering Sunday
From St Mary's
St Francis Communion 20th March
Celebrant and Preacher - Richard Ford
Communion from St Francis for 13th March
Celebrant - Richard Ford; Preacher - Ken Bryan
Funeral of Carole Hubbard
At St Mary's - 9th March 2022
Holy Communion for 6th March
Celebrant and Preacher - Hazel O'Sullivan
Holy Communion for 27th February
Celebrant - Hazel O'Sullivan: Preacher - Brian Griffiths
Holy Communion from St Francis 20th February
Celebrant and Preacher - Hilary Fife